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I have a question that might interest many people involved in studies of
controlled release products. Is there a good program out there that can
do deconvolution and convolution? What platform does it use? Is it
commercially available?
Your input in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Olof Borg=E5, Ph.D.
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[A few replies - db]
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 15:12:10 +0100 (MET)
From: Maria Durisova
Subject: Re: PharmPK Deconvolution Programs
Dear colleague,
The great majority of the deconvolution methods is used in
pharmacokinetics to estimate the rate of the drug
bioavailability in a numerical form. The analytical
deconvolution methods are usually restricted only to simple
pharmacokinetic systems which do not contain shunts and time
delays, and thus they can be approximated by multiexponential
models. The application of the deconvolution methods in
bioavailability studies is inherently limited to the specific
condition of equal forms of the intra- and extravascular drug
inputs (with equal or non equal doses).
The procedure described in our study (1) enables to determine
the numerical and/or the analytical form of the system
weighting function (in special cases approaching the drug
bioavailability rate). It is applicable to simple and/or
complex pharmacokinetic systems with or without shunts and
time delays, whose models consequently contain and complex
conjugated poles, and thus they cannot be sufficiently
approximated ny multiexponential models. It follows then
that, the method described in our study (1) can be employed
for the assessment of the drug bioavailability rate even
under conditions when the deconvolution methods cannot be
applied. Furthermore, this method requires neither a special
functional form of the weighting function nor equal time
intervals of the measurement of the drug concentration
profiles, and no preliminary smoothing and/or interpolation
of these profiles is necessary.
The method is based on the theory of the linear dynamic
systems. A version of the corresponding software is available
1. L. Dedik, M. Durisova, Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.,
51, 1996, 183-192.
Maria Durisova
Institute of Experimental Pharmacology
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dubravska cesta 9
842 16 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Phone/Fax 00421 7375928
Subject: RE: PharmPK Deconvolution Programs
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 14:47:12 +0100
Importance: high
X-Priority: 1
Mime-Version: 1.0
I will supply you with a tool that we use within Astra. It is called
QWERT, is basically a DOS program and it is free.
Johan Gabrielsson
From: Hans Proost
Organization: Pharmacy Dept Groningen University
To: (by way of David_Bourne),
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 15:51:22 CET
Subject: Re: PharmPK Deconvolution Programs
X-Confirm-Reading-To: "Hans Proost"
X-pmrqc: 1
Priority: normal
Dear Dr. Borga,
With respect to your question of deconvolution programs:
I have written a program called KinBes for the assessment of
bioavailability, rate of drug absorption and bioequivalence, including
several methods for deconvolution.
KinBes is commercially available from MediWare,
P.O. Box 666, 8440 AR Heerenveen, The Netherlands
Tel. (31) 513 681789, Fax (31) 513 681563
Description: Kinbes includes various methods: numerical deconvolution
(including a stabilizing algorithm), a weighted-least-squares
reconvolution method, AUC-ratio and statistical moments, Wagner-
Nelson and Loo-Riegelman methods.
KinBes allows processing of data of an entire bioavailability or
bioequivalence study (number of subjects, number of dosage forms)
with respect to calculation in individuals, calculation of mean
values, graphics, and statistical evaluation. Bioequivalence data can
be evaluated by a wide range of methods, among others, following
guidelines of FDA and APV.
Johannes H. Proost
Dept. of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery
University Centre for Pharmacy
Groningen, The Netherlands
tel. 31-50 363 3292
fax 31-50 363 3247
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