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I've an analytical problem due to the presence of an interferent peak at
the retention time of the analyte.
The HPLC indicate that the area of the interferent is about 8% of the LOQ
of the analyte.
How i should tret the "blank" sample in order to quantify the analyte?
Dr. Fabio Macchi
Pharmacokinetics Lab.-ZambonGroup S.p.A.
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[Another topic with two replies today - db]
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 07:49:09 +0200
From: "PharmaContract - dbrandt"
Organization: Swiss Pharma Contract
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: PharmPK inteference presence
Dear Fabio,
instead of treating yout "blank" sample you should better change you
HPLC method. Have you tried serveral columns such as RP-18, Sulfonic
etc. or have you tried to change the pH of the buffer solution. May be
this would make more sense than manipulations with the blank sample.
Regards Derek
Swiss Pharma Contract
Derek K. Brandt
4002 Basel Switzerland
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 10:49:44 +0200
From: "Dr. Bernhard Ladstetter"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: PharmPK inteference presence
Provided the signal of the interference is reproduceable and you use the
same matrix for calibration and quality controls as for the unknowns I
would treat that signal as background and would substract it from the
analyte signal.
Bernhard J. Ladstetter, PhD
Institute of Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism
Merck KGaA, Germany
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Welcome to the contamination club!!!!
I have been working on developing an assay for a glucocorticoid and I
have been finding blank plasma peaks for over 3 months now. my search
for the source of contamination seems to be an eternal one.
Please find out if your problem is only a contamination !!!
Dept of Pharmaceutics
University of Florida
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This is a standard problem when you are attempting to quantitative
endogenous substances or near endogenous substances. best strategy of
countering this problem
a) is to use standard addition technique or
b) use a blank matrix (plasma) pretreated with activated charcoal (to remove
the interfering component) and using thus treated plasma for preparing the
standards and Qcs.
Hope this helps.
Prasad Tata
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical,Inc.
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