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Has anyone come across the use of metronidazole tablets being administered
rectally? Guidelines are being written for antibiotic use in rural areas,
and in cases where the patient is unable to take the drug orally but neither
IV nor suppository from is available, we wondered if this might be an option.
Michelle Sweidan
Michelle Sweidan Tel: +(679) 311700
Department of Pharmacy Fax: +(679) 303469
Fiji School of Medicine
Private Mail Bag
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I know of no other studies?
Mike Ball
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Am J Vet Res 1993 Dec;54(12):2060-2063
Pharmacokinetics of metronidazole after rectal administration in
Garber JL, Brown MP, Gronwall RR, Merritt K
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville
Five healthy adult mares and 1 gelding were given a single dose (15 mg/kg
of body weight) of metronidazole per rectum.
After manual evacuation of feces from the rectum, a suspension of crushed
tablets and water (40 ml) was administered via a
28-F catheter advanced 30 cm into the rectum. Blood samples were obtained
by jugular venipuncture, and metronidazole
concentration was measured serially for the 14 hours after drug
administration. Mean serum concentration of metronidazole
peaked at 4.5 micrograms/ml, 0.83 hour after administration, and decreased
to 0.38 microgram/ml, 14 hours after
administration. Mean elimination rate constant was 0.23/h, and the harmonic
mean elimination half-life was 3.04 hours.
Further study is necessary to determine a therapeutic dose regimen for
metronidazole administered per rectum.
PMID: 8116938, UI: 94161351
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Dr. Michael Ball
Dept of Clinical Science
Dept of Pharmacology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14850
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Michelle- I'm a veterinarian and have been studying (casually) pharmaceutical
compounding. Recently, a pharmacist friend told me that much of their
compounding is in the form of suppositories and that many drugs will be
well-absorbed that way. I don't know if pills would work as well but I would
contact a pharmacist and ask. I think any general pharmacist could answer the
question. I hope this helps even a little.
Mary Jolly
Michelle Sweidan (by way of David_Bourne) wrote:
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Michelle, I haven't seen the tablets used rectally, but I have seen
information on utilizing retention enemas. I'm not sure where article was
published, but you may find something by doing a Medline search from the
internet. Hope this helps.
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