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Hi ,
I'm looking for the recent books in the field of Pharmacokinetics,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics for teaching purposes which published in
If anybody knows please send me the title, author, publisher and
Your cooperation is highly appreciated
Hesham M. Korashy
Clinical Pharmacy Department
College of Pharmacy - KSU
P.O.Box 2457, Riyadh 11451
Saudi Arabia
Fax: (966-1) 467-6229
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Dear Dr. Korashy:
In addition to the many texts available, you might consider looking
at the
various technical reports on our web site, and consider downloading some of
them. They often offer an alternative viewpoint from the many texts, and
many have a definite clinical orientation as well.
Roger Jelliffe
Roger W. Jelliffe, M.D.
USC Lab of Applied Pharmacokinetics
CSC 134-B, 2250 Alcazar St, Los Angeles CA 90033
**Note our new area codes below, since 6/15/98!**
Phone **(NOTE NEW AREA CODE AND PREFIX)** (323)442-1300, Fax (323)442-1302
You might also look at our Web page for announcements of
new software and upcoming workshops and events. It is
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Dear Hesham
The following 2 Pharmacology books have excellent chapters on
pharmacokinetics and are clinically orientated. I don't know what level
you are teaching, but I use them for teaching an introductory course in
pharmacokinetics in a Diploma in Pharmacy course. The basic concepts are
explained very clearly and are generally illustrated with clinical
Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 9th ed.
Hardman JG, Limbird LE (eds). McGraw Hill, 1996.
Clinical Pharmacology. 8th ed. Laurence DR, Bennett PN, Brown MJ.
Churchill Livingstone, 1997.
Regards, Michelle
Michelle Sweidan
Programme Coordinator - Diploma in Pharmacy
Fiji School of Medicine
Private Mail Bag
Tel: (679) 311700 Fax: (679) 303469 email:
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I use "Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics" by L. Shargel and A.
B. C. Yu (Appleton Lange, 1993) as the required text in my course taught to
4-th year students in the 6-year PharmD program. It is, in spite of some
weaknesses (which book does not?), the best available introductory text.
I use additional material developed by me to address these weakness. The
4th Edition should become available by early 1999.
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Srikumaran Melethil, Ph.D.
Professor, Pharmaceutics and Medicine
Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine
University of Missouri-Kansas City
203B Katz Hall
Kansas City, Mo 64110
816-235-1794 (fax; 816-235-5190)
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I also use this text as the primary text in my graduate course
Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetics. I agree that this is the best PK
book available for teaching purposes. Some of the features I like:
very, very clear and readable, extensive use of example problems
showing step-by-step solutions, covers the role of differential
equations in PK very well. I use this text in conjunction with the
second edition of Gabrielson and Weiner's book Pharmacokinetic and
Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis:Concepts and Designs to teach WinNonlin
and the computer modeling aspects. The latter book, in my opinion,
can't be beat for this purpose.
Paul Damian PhD,MPH,DABT
Adjoint Assistant Professor
School of Pharmacy
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
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